Who we are

Dirtbag Outdoors started as a YouTube channel a few years ago. This was a hobby - a labor of love. Having fun and enjoying it was the main goal. It quickly became less of a hobby and more of a burden. I felt as though I couldn’t do anything and enjoy it unless it could be filmed or put on YouTube. It took time away from myself and my family. I started focusing more on YouTube Shorts (videos with no editing and less than 1 minute) to still let me get that creative release but free up all the time that long form content requires. I still plan to release an occasional long form video but will continue to mostly do short form content as time permits.

Fast forward a few years and I am a full-time knife and outdoor gear dealer. I’ve launched several different lines of Dirtbag merch and am always in the process of more! I have a fantastic customer base, and I would love for you to join us and be a part of the Dirtbag family!

Don’t forget to check us out on WhatNot where we host LIVE auctions! Tons of knives and gear from a plethora of different brands and price points! Get $15 free as a new user by clicking HERE!

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!